Seriously, no one has a rough estimate of this B parameter? This must be close to 0 of course, but. I have a default interval multiplier of 200%, but I want to set it to 120% for cards with. If you now set the interval modifier to 200%, then the interval of this card would increase from for example 20 to 40 days. I’m just going to. 50 = 292. My optimal first interval should be about an hour, to target 90% [probably best to review-ahead an hour too] A simple linear model improves 20% over the Anki baseline SM2 model. minimum interval, starting ease, easy bonus, interval modifier, hard interval, new interval. Then delete the entire deck from. 2 (see screen shots for settings and card examples). Let’s say you have a card where a Good answer will result in you seeing the card in 10 days (interval = 10). However, this is not what you want because you've just lowered Starting Ease to 131% in the previous section. Here is an example. So wouldn't I expect the "easy" interval to be the same as the "good. Only use the with the Anki version that was the latest when they were released otherwise your chances of getting errors are higher. 1. Actually, Anki introduces a fuzz factor that makes intervals randomly larger or shorter. My average ease is only 150%. 5x = 7. Make an informed decision after you have read the manual. js. With the starting ease back at 250%, you should return the interval modifier to 100% or at least closer to 100%. One final thing to note is that Anki forces a new interval to be at least 1 day longer than it was previously, so that you do not get stuck reviewing with the same interval forever. You want to adjust your interval modifier to get your mature retention from 80-90% (personally I like 85%+). This add-on-free version of Low-key Anki is what has been implemented in the recommended option settings above. That would theoretically provide a more homogeneous difficulty. But Fibonnaci growth rate is supposed to be the golden ratio (1. Quote: : Graduating interval is the delay between answering Good on a card with no steps left, and seeing the card again. Ease is an unnecessary complication in Anki's scheduling algorithm. 1. I'll actually cover a few variations in the results, but the simulation's assumption about Anki settings is that you are pretty much using the defaults (aside from the Interval Modifier, of course). Description. Now, one issue that throws a wrench into the works is that in the vanilla algorithm you get penalized for getting a card wrong (or hard) but you only get rewarded (in terms of ease. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I haven’t really messed with the settings after I first got it setup, but the only reason it tells you to set the interval modifier as 191% is because you are changing the ease to the lowest possible value, 130%. 3, which applies for “easy” reviews (hence the “4” in the name). This doesn't conflict with Auto Ease Factor and prevents Anki from treating cards you fail as if you've never seen them before by starting them from scratch. js. ago by MilRick View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit Interval Modifier I just watched this YouTube video ( about intervals and learning steps. You're just making more work for yourself by setting a low max interval like 60 days. -My Beginner Settings-Reviews- Maximum Reviews Per day: 9999 Easy Bonus: 130% Interval Modifier: 100% Does starting ease really that matters because it is only used to set the starting ease for a card, yet the interval modifier changes everything, that is, the intervals needed to review a card. Here's the wonky part: when answering a card, I can choose between 6 days (hard), 7 days (good), and 9 days (easy). I currently have a deck where I am studying pretty easy material and my retention rate is 97% (according to the True Retention addon). Inspired by ResetEZ. Is it enough to change just the main's deck interval modifier or do I have to. It simply increases your intervals across the board for all your cards, which counteracts the chronically low Ease Factors in your deck. The default settings in Anki are set for this result: "For moderately difficult material, the average user should find they remember approximately 90% of mature cards that come up for review. 5^x, if you press Good every time. A lot of this fiddling is to make me lapse cards more often to. It's been a long time since I used anki. 50 = 117. Then click the gear icon for that deck. Of course, there are ways - through the other deck options parameters - to influence the algorithm if you're performance on the deck isn't what you want. So will the interval modifier setting, but you have the option of selecting your target retention in FSRS. Interval modifier: 100%. To decelerate Anki's intervals, change the Ivl Modif from 100 to 60%, to start with. From what I understand, I'm meant to change the. - GitHub - brownbat/autoEaseFactor: Adjust ease factors in Anki based off of performance in order to hit a target success rate. Graduating interval: 3 days Easy interval: 4 days Starting Ease: 250% Maximum review/day: 9999 Easy bonus: 130% Interval Modifier: 110% Maximum Interval: 365000 Hard interval: 120% Lapses: 30 1440 New interval: 60 Minimum: 6 days Leech Threshold: 4 lapses Tag only On the Anki manual, it recommends a retention rate of 90% and says that you can use the formula log(90%)/log(current retention rate) to find an interval modifier that will get you close to 90%. I say that's a good trade off for maintaining a large vocab. Reset ting cards within Anki. I did read the Wiki, but my worry was that the model might have been trained on vastly different. If you plug the resulting 65% into the interval modifier, you should find that your retention moves closer to your desired time retention over . The addon is intended for people who want to switch from default Anki settings to the setup recommended by Tatsumoto. All my cards have the default ease of 250%. The low starting ease can be offset by increasing the interval modifier to 192%. I intend to do this. Anki For Medical School + Boards. Leech Threshold: 4 lapses, tag only. Unfortunately, there's a bug with Anki 2. Those periods are not fixed, and are set by the Spacing algorithm that Anki uses. In the latest version of FSRS4Anki, maximum interval, easy bonus, and hard interval have been supported. Expertium:. The best way would probably be to create a new profile options group with a lower interval modifier and when you mature that subdeck switch it to the low. 5 * 40 = Interval Modifier 300%. Anki tries to keep the same retention value for cards, at all times, by increasing or decreasing intervals as necessary. 1. Whats the point of setting the starting ease to 131% and the interval modifier to 191?The SM-2 algorithm from the late 1980s is responsible in Anki for its core function of scheduling your repetitions, with the modification of considering each card’s priority. I use a dynamic Ivl Modifier - for each Interval Range - a different value. For example, if you’re using the default Anki settings (250% ease factor, interval modifier is 100%, learning steps are 1min 10min, relearning step is 1 minute, and your new interval after a lapse is 0% (meaning it will set back the interval to 1 day when you fail the card and pass it)), and assuming you’re always pressing Good, then your. There are a lot of parameters and settings in Anki: Steps, Graduating Interval, Easy Interval, Starting Ease, Easy bonus, Interval Modifier, Steps and New Interval for lapses. Thank you for. com. Retention requires long-term persistence. You can modify them in fsrs4anki_scheduler. A lapse, by definition, is a mature card (a card with an ivl>21d) that is lost (i. Let us assume after 30 days I find my retention to be 75% and hence need to increase my interval modifier again. And the default lapse interval: 10. szalejot October 2, 2023, 7:24am 116. Bury related reviews until next day is checked. When should I change my interval modifier on Anki? I use low-key Anki with the old addons recommended during MIA. Make the Maximum interval 120d. Anki>Preferences. You should review all of them when they are scheduled, that's why you should study all decks. You're welcome to talk about all of the apps and services in the Anki ecosystem here, share resources related to Anki or spaced repetition in general, and help each other out with any questions you might have!. If you plug the resulting 65% into the interval modifier, you should find that your retention moves closer to your desired time retention over . You will be reviewing cards that you have learned and will likely remember months after your test date, for no reason. So you will graduate the cards on the second step. The graduating interval, easy interval, new. My personal recommendation for your case would be to try something moderate like 15 1440 (1 day) 4320 (3 days) with a graduating interval of 6-7 days. This doesn't conflict with Auto Ease Factor and prevents Anki from treating cards you fail as if you've never seen them before by starting them from scratch. Decrease your Interval Modifier if your retention is too low, increase if it's high. Then this card would benefit from the interval modifier. Now if your interval Changer is 50%. However, there is still one default setting worth adjusting, and that is the interval modifier. roxgib March 10, 2022, 9:00am 4. If you've been using Anki for a while, simply. I believe that review simulator website has a different panel that projects expected retention based on interval modifier, you may want to try different scenarios with that. First off that’s very impressive. What are refold Anki settings: Starting ease 130% and the interval modifier 190%*, which equals to a factor of about 250%. Personally, I shoot to have an interval modifier that allows me to get right 80-90% of the cards, but that can be quite personal. The default settings in Anki are set for this result: "For moderately difficult material, the average user should find they remember approximately 90% of mature cards that come up for review. Intervals in a day are (0. Of course, you could also do this with the default anki scheduler, but then you would need to keep fiddling with the interval modifier, with FSRS the process is automatic. So, I strongly suspect that most of us still waste way too much time with unnecessary reviews (TIP: INCREASE Anki's 'Interval Modifier'; and, to compensate for this, lengthen the 'Lapse-Queue', so you can dedicate your valuable rep-time to the REAL problem-cards). Repeat 2 more times ( to get a bigger sample size); add the resuls. I’m not too sure about modifying your maximal interval, though 30 days can lead to a ton of reviews depending on the size of your deck. Whereas currently the Anki interval modifier is only applied after a card is reviewed (when a new interval is calculated), he seems to take use historical retention reach the target? Flashcard Wizard just takes a whole lot more historical information: the full time series of each note is used. The graduating interval, easy interval, new interval, starting ease, and interval modifier become irrelevant. 92 * 1. darthese • 4 yr. Hard interval [default: 1. Unfortunately add-ons wouldn’t easily be able to change the reviews on AnkiMobile or I would simply go that route. • 3 yr. )I have two questions about Anki's intervals depending on new days. Interval modifier: 1. Seriously, no one has a rough estimate of this B parameter? This must be close to 0 of course, but. For example, Don't display the Optimize option when FSRS is disabled. I think that would generate a large workload but that's your call (personally I use an. I did not test it. Lots of those vocab cards are still bouncing around in my reviews, because. If your goal is to repeat a card once a day for multiple days, you can do that by setting more learning mode steps, instead of by adjusting this modifier. Michaelfonzolo • 3 min. The graduating interval, easy interval, new interval, starting ease, and interval modifier become irrelevant. Thanks!! Like steps of 15 1440 and graduate at 3 days. leech thresholds, interval modifiers and so on. Anki understands that it can be necessary to see a new card. If you could please assist me in fixing, I would sincerely appreciate it. I just did 2 reviews today and checked both cards to see what interval Anki set. set the Maximum to 5d. In order to somehow reduce the "difficult"/"easy" bias, I have manually adjusted the. Get the phone app, so you can do cards during random downtime in the day like waiting in line or sitting on the can. If you're using different schedulers (for example, V3 in desktop, V2 in Ankidroid) the intervals may differ. I’ve tried uninstalling, installing previous versions, checking on Ankidroid, Ankiweb, changing the easy interval, changing the. Recently…Interval modifier not affecting large, mature deck. This is the default Anki’s setting: From Anki’s Manual: New interval controls how much Anki should reduce the previous interval by. 2, never changed that value in any deck, it's a good value interval modifier: It's the adjustment slider for me. Anki does this to make sure that cards don't get stuck to each other. Delete the Easy Bonus. "the YelloW deck" is an anki deck of 7 thousand something cards that covers the 5th edition of "The ABSITE Review" 5th edition by Steven M. Choose Options from the dropdown menu that appears. Anki → Preferences → Scheduling → V3 scheduler. g. Choose Options from the dropdown menu that appears. The downside is the intervals get really long. So for some reason the due date isn't constant, and it definitely should be. But I’ve observed quite a few cards that showed me the exact same. The retention of Anki is too higher in early stage. I use low-key Anki with the old addons recommended during MIA. I would prefer to change the intervals, what are the values you recommend (1000 cards in total, possibility to review 500 cards per day, exam in 2 months) thank you. 6 months for this card while the initial interval is supposed to be 18 days. 31 ⋅ 1. You can also. Set interval modifier to 120%. Changing this your will alter all graduated menu interval as you is doing thine Anki map. The white strip is 99+% optimal efficiency. 1. 50? : r/Anki by throne_deserter How to bring Interval Modifier below 0. Oh I see, in that case it makes sense to revert them to a neutral state of 250% ease, and also change decrease the interval modifier somewhat. -My Beginner Settings-Reviews- Maximum Reviews Per day: 9999 Easy Bonus: 130% Interval Modifier: 100%Does starting ease really that matters because it is only used to set the starting ease for a card, yet the interval modifier changes everything, that is, the intervals needed to review a card. thank you sm!! If you are syncing the desktop client with the app then the intervals for any given card should be the same on both. Here's the wonky part: when answering a card, I can choose between 6 days (hard), 7 days (good), and 9 days (easy). I saw that the general recomendation is 90% and that there is a formula to get the interval modifier rate; I applied it with my last month retention and it came out as 0. Like originally if the interval modifier is 100%, if the card starts at 1 day, I need to review the card 10 days later. com The interval modifier is a very imortant setting. You can just do it in google, as pictured below (make sure you include the % symbol) This tells me I should adjust my interval modifier from 100% to 71%, so once you're in the. I've read and seen that the "Good" Interval is calculated like that:current interval * ease * interval modifier. So will the interval modifier setting, but you have the option of selecting your target retention in FSRS. Yes indeed!Anki multiplies the interval by this number, letting the user ask for more or less time between reviews uniformly, across all cards. This will provide the same interval growth as a 250% starting ease and 100% interval modifier. The problem was that the interval modifier applies to the whole deck. 2 new interval: 0. My interval modifier is set at 95% for this deck because I envisioned difficulties when I was starting (obviously this affects it, but certainly not by that much) I don't let anki add in cards randomly; I suspended all the cards, then I un-suspend cards that are near other cards as I run out. I was on 25 cards/day with 250 max reviews for a while, and now im on 50/500 as I near the end. 05. 00 so it doesn’t influence the result at all. It simply increases your intervals across the board for all your cards, which counteracts the. You can modify them in fsrs4anki_scheduler. The graduating interval, easy interval, new interval, starting ease, and interval modifier become irrelevant. Example given in workshop: if you have a card with a 10 day interval and you mark it correct, it would next be shown in (10 days x 2. This makes all review card answer buttons change by that percentage. Anki’s algorithm differs from SM-2 in some respects. It's basically a multiplier applied to your cards. Lapses - 10 60 300, 75% new interval, leech threshold 5 lapses and tag only. Personal preference: In the deck settings, under the Lapse section, set New Interval to 70%. Decreasing the interval modifier instead would not sacrifice the fine grained control over the intervals and would even lower the minimum ease. 35. Again I would do something like the new cards but less intensive. The unofficial subreddit for the flashcard app Anki. this one affects how Anki calculates your intervals throughout the life of the card and relative to other cards. So you will see what fits your needs best. If you do that, the add-on works great. The second key to making Anki work for you is to use it consistently. Answer: 30 cards. 1. So the higher the number the higher the interval for the easy button hard interval 1. , 250 %) of individual cards. My goal was to reduce my workload, and it worked. But after a card is marked EASY. 260 votes, 90 comments. First, Sort cards by "Last Interval" -- increasing order; reschedule in groups of n - cards using different Intervals; Example: 7d, than 10, than 14, etc. Your memory must be amazing. I was on 25 cards/day with 250 max reviews for a while, and now im on 50/500 as I near the end. It is the First Interval after the Learning card. At its default of 100% it does nothing; if you set it to 80% for example, intervals will be generated at 80% of their normal size (so a 10 day interval would become 8 days). Anki will prevent you from adding duplicates, so each time you are in doubt about a word, try adding it you your deck. Go to Anki r/Anki • by [deleted] View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. The interval modifier will change your average retention rate. You 15 min, one day, three days graduating interval to six days, easy interval to eight days. The ankihabitica addon will give you some game elements, but it doesn't exactly turn reviews into a game. Starting Ease: 250% (I heard the default is really good for. 5. Change your interval modifier to 205%. My Ease Bonus = 250% and my Interval Modifier = 1. Press Good, the next time Anki will show the card is: 25. [1](the last interval + delay/4) * hard interval factor * interval modifier Let's say the last interval was 30 days and you're answering the card on-time (so the delay is 0), the hard invert factor from the deck options is 120% and the interval modifier is 76%, then the two options from the above are: 30+1 = 31d (30 + 0/4) * 1. You can see that I have a tendancy to hit the ‘easy’ button. Alternatively, you might look at adjusting your initial ease settings and interval modifier. You can set yours really low and the card will. You can thus use the multiplier to make Anki present. My current pass rates are 97. New Anki users get impatient at first, and learn 100 words on day 1, then 100 on day 2, and then realize too late that they now have 220 reviews due on day 3, and for most of the following week as well. The unofficial subreddit for the flashcard app Anki. Your intervals sound like the default Anki intervals, except the variability in your mature card intervals doesn't really make sense to me. Research I've seen says longer intervals are better for retention. After you see the graduated card the following day and press 'Good' again, the new interval can be calculated as follows: Current Interval (=1) x Interval Modifier (= 1. 250% Easy bonus at 100% Interval modifier 100% Lapses: Interval 1 20 New interval 100% Min interval 2 days Leech threshold 5 Leeches tag only. I did read the Wiki, but my worry was that the model might have been trained on vastly different. js. Specifically, I’d like answering good to add +5 as a way to regain ease lost from lapsed cards. So I set up a time frame and do Anki in that time. You're welcome to talk about all of the apps and…Before custom scheduling was introduced, one way to achieve the low-key Anki functionality was a workaround suggested by Refold, MIA and Tatsumoto: setting the starting ease to 1. tenderapp. 55 with the support of custom scheduling with memory states. That way, you won’t be influence by the intervals and can be more honest with your answers. ago. One final thing to note is that Anki forces a new interval to be at least 1 day. So the current interval is 100 dates, which means I saw aforementioned card 100 days ago. 80% interval modifier gets a Good interval of 6 days on 24th of July after 4am. In my opinion this would be good for short term use in theory: New Cards: Steps: 30 1440 5760 New Cards/Day: 30. 76 = 27d So. Sometimes one of these cards comes up, and I want to review the card [perhaps I didn’t quite remember it but answered with a different form, or a synonym, or I have learned more nuance about the. Do you understand what the different terms mean, such as interval modifier, starting ease, graduating interval, maximum interval, and easy interval? Steps: 1200 Order of new cards: in order added Graduating interval: 7 daysAdjust ease factors in Anki based off of performance in order to hit a target success rate. It is recommended that you spend a few weeks with the defaults to get a feel for how Anki works before you start adjusting options. It is recommended that you spend a few weeks with the defaults to get a feel for how Anki works before you start adjusting options. let alone how you choose to set your intervals, ease, and modifiers. 15 1440 4320 8640 with a graduating interval of 12-15 days might also work very nicely (1d, 3d, 6d, 12d). Change your Anki settings, reformat your notes, delete problematic cards. In the same token a interval modifier of 200% will make a card appear in 40 days instead of 20 days. My recommendations: Current Deck Options: High retention goal; I want to learn a lot of cards daily and see them frequently Maximum reviews/day: 100 This is 2x my New card count Easy bonus: 130% This is standard, I wouldn't decrease it, and I didn't increase it for my high-retention priority decks Interval Modifier: 85% I emphasize. My 2 cents, how I set up all decks: New cards per day: 9999 New card steps: 15 60 Lapses steps: 60 Reviews per day. js. Low retention rate renders Anki useless, can make you hate your reviews or even stop using Anki completely. The good interval suggests 9. ”. Briefly speaking, Anki determines card scheduling by the option we choose after revealing the answer (“ Again “, “ Hard “, “ Good ” or “ Easy “). At its default of 1. You can use the following formula: log (desired retention%) / log (current retention%) To work out by how much to change the interval modifier. Maximum interval: 36500Here are some interesting figures I want to introduce: In the number of due cards per day, FSRS reduced by 10% compared with Anki. Better to learn words separately (in context/plus their root words) then make cards out of them. Anki is for efficient retention. If your goal is to repeat a card once a day for multiple days, you can do that by setting more learning mode steps, instead of by adjusting this modifier. If mature cards are off target I fiddle with the new interval, relearning steps, and interval modifier. Goto deck options >> Reviews tab >> Interval modifier. Next day, each time you fail a card on 1440 interval, Flag it. Easily done, just change the Interval Modifier in your desired Deck's Options. Is that a possibility? Alternatively: Is there a way to automatically change the interval modifier for cards with intervals of >6m? I. Also, the way I use Anki personally, I don’t use the hard or easy buttons. Easy Bonus / Interval modifier / Max. At first I was thinking I should set it to 90% instead, because I was worried that if it tries to get me to fail 15% of. Yes, the license of this addon is the same as the code it originates from. The unofficial subreddit for the flashcard app Anki. When you do this, Anki will turn the cards back into new cards. They are identified leeches. Today I want to introduce how to use the FSRS4Anki custom scheduling. Assuming we’re using default Anki values, where starting ease is 250% and interval modifier is 100%, and assuming that we’re always pressing the Good button, then that means that the interval is calculated by new interval = old interval * 100% * 250% = old interval * 2. Easy bonus: 140%. Billiam95 said: I'm usually in the neighborhood of 96-98% correct on mature cards; MS2 with approx 11k mature cards for reference. Set the timezone with your time zone. In other words, I'm not 100% sure that the interval modifier is going to be what you need to. ) Both cards have an ease of 250%. One final thing to note is that Anki forces a new interval to be at least 1 day. Select all the cards and choose Cards->Forget. 114K subscribers in the Anki community. When adjusting new cards I stuck with the default options which work great for me. In those situations you would want a lapse to reset the interval to 0. No more ease/interval modifier/new interval tuning necessary. 20 * 0. . After you answer a card, Anki calculates the new interval by doing New = Old * Ease * Interval modifier this means a 50% interval modifier will make a card appear in 10 days instead of 20 days. But that would also affect the 'good' and 'hard' interval; cutting both in half (which is not what you want). It has an interval of 1 day, an ease of 230% and the interval modifier is set on 80%. 5 seconds. 5 = the. If not present, do so. Please see the manual before changing this option. The first one is based on the SuperMemo 2 algorithm, and the second one is called FSRS. See my preferences below:. easy bonus and interval modifiers, will affect the way anki schedules cards for the next days, some times you want it to give more separation or less separation between the scheduled days for the cards and is related to the answer buttons, so really to explain all the interrelations we would need a real expert to explain it with apples and pears. CryptoUsing the Anking interval settings on the new Anki interface. I started using Anki about 2 weeks ago and I've already created some cards, downloaded essential addons, made recommended adjustments to my settings, watched many differnet youtube videos and made myself familiar with the basics of the algorithm. Interval Modifier : r/Anki r/Anki • 4 yr. For reference I was closer to OP usually around 80% +/- 2%. Step 2: Copy the code of FSRS4Anki. No max reviews, easy bonus 30%, interval modifier 100, max interval 365 days Lapses: steps 10, new interval 0%, minimal interview 1 day Locked post. For the second, I only have my own subjective experience to go by, since there hasn't been any external testing. This add-on adds statistics showing the percentage of correct answers for each learning step and review interval. I am creating a new deck and want low retention of 60% - so out of experience I would want to start with an interval modifier of 130% ( just a gut call). What I would do: drastically drop that interval modifier. This add-on prevent you from ease hell. Anki Forums. Remember that the key to knowledge is not repetition, is relearning : anki shows you the notion when it thinks you forgot it, this is the best time for the rewiring of your neurons etc. 2 Likes. An extra multiplier that is applied to all reviews. The unofficial subreddit for the flashcard app Anki. You can try it at Google Colab: colab. If you provide accurate variables, the simulator should do a good job of giving you a rough idea of your future workload. Step 2: Copy the code of FSRS4Anki. 5 due to only using the easy button if it was really really easy. You can use the following formula: log (desired retention%) / log (current retention%) To work out by how much to change the interval modifier. The easy interval can be whatever you feel like really, you probably won't be clicking it that much. read the section about deck options and especially about reviews and the interval modifier very, very carefully. Step 2: Copy the code of FSRS4Anki. x but have to upload a new file for it. Interval Modifier; Hard Interval; New Interval; Custom Scheduling; Deck options primarily control the way Anki schedules cards. Leave the modifier to 100. RS vs SS is mainly discussion on number of review vs time spend on reviews. Billiam95 said: I'm usually in the neighborhood of 96-98% correct on mature cards; MS2 with approx 11k mature cards for reference. Your interval modifier MUST be set to 100% (no change) for all decks. So will the interval modifier setting, but you have the option of selecting your target retention in FSRS. The New Interval-% can be set to 10%; than ANki will show you either the Min ivl; or the New ivl -- whichever is. autoLapseNewInterval avgEase Basically just set one variable: retention percentage you want to have for mature cards. 1. Anki’s default scheduling settings are good enough in most cases. I know how to work out how much I'm meant to change my interval modifier by, but in terms. The unofficial subreddit for the flashcard app Anki. The graduating interval, easy interval, new interval, starting ease, interval modifier, easy bonus, and hard interval become irrelevant. You're welcome to talk about all of the apps and services in the Anki ecosystem here, share resources related to Anki or spaced repetition in general, and help each other out with any questions you might have!. The unofficial subreddit for the flashcard app Anki. Interval modifier- 100% Max interval- 365 days Hard interval- 50% Lapses, steps- 10 30 Lapses, new interval- 25% Lapses, minimum interval- 1 day. So essentially the formula is 2. 2 Likes. Hard Interval After you answer a card, Anki calculates the new interval by doing New = Old * Ease * Interval modifier this means a 50% interval modifier will make a card appear in 10 days instead of 20 days. Set the timezone with your time zone. In the beginning I used to click good, for several years I clicked easy, and for the last couple of years I click good again when I know an answer. Fortunately, there's an easy fix -- go into "Add Ons" --> "config", and make sure that the interval coefficient is set to 0. 80% interval modifier gets a Good interval of 6 days on 24th of July after 4am. The graduating interval, easy interval, new interval, starting ease, and interval modifier become irrelevant. Maybe reduce the interval modifier if it affects all review cards?. Check out a review of Anki, one of the most popular SRS flashcard apps in the Japanese learning community. 700×201 56. When I started Anki, I would either click Again, Hard, or Good; Hard for when it took me more than a moment, and Good if I instantly recognized the answer. At its default of 100% it does nothing; if you set it to 80% for example, intervals will be generated at 80% of their normal size (so a 10 day interval would become 8 days).